Supplier invoice import into Oracle E-Business Suite as SaaS or AddOn solution

The current legal regulations on e-invoicing in Germany:

On 22.03.2024, the Federal Council approved the new Growth Opportunities Act. 

This makes electronic invoicing in the B2B sector mandatory for German companies as part of the EU Directive "Value Added Tax in the Digital Age" - ViDA".

The law states that companies must be ready to receive electronic invoices from January 1, 2025, while the submission of electronic invoices will initially be voluntary in 2025 and 2026 and then only mandatory from January 1, 2027.

Electronic invoices are all invoices that are compatible with the "CEN format EN 16931", e.g. standards such as "XStandard" or "ZUGFeRD". PDF invoices are not electronic invoices.

This means that companies in Germany must at least prepare their ERP system to receive electronic invoices from January 1, 2025.

Automatic supplier invoice import into the Oracle E-Business Suite

With Primus E-Invoice Management (PEM) solution, PRIMUS makes it possible to fulfill the legal requirements for supplier invoice import with Oracle E-Business Suite.

PEM extracts the data from the supplier's email and imports the verified data into Oracle EBS. These emails can contain the invoice as an X-Invoice file or ZUGFeRD file. With the Netfira option, PDF files without XML information can also be processed.

Primus E-Invoice Management can be used either as a Software as a Service solution or as an AddOn.

Oracle EBS Supplier E-Invoice Management

Procedure for importing supplier invoices into the Oracle E-Business Suite with PEM (Primus E-Invoice Management):

  • The supplier sends the email with the X-invoice or ZuGFeRD invoice (or PDF invoice) attached to a dedicated email account.

  • PEM (Primus E-Invoice Management) regularly checks this email account and processes all incoming emails.

  • PEM provides the accounts payable clerk with a clear overview of all emails via the PEM email cockpit.

  • PEM identifies the relevant supplier on the basis of the Oracle E-Business Suite master data, checks whether there is a corresponding purchase order in the Oracle E-Business Suite for this supplier and then extracts the invoice data from the attachment.

  • The PEM automatically compares the invoice data with the information in the Oracle E-Business Suite (supplier address, purchase order and, if applicable, goods receipt).
    If the invoice refers to a period that is still closed, PEM waits and then imports the invoice as soon as possible.

    This results in 3 cases:

    • Invoice without order:
      The invoice data is imported: Invoice header and invoice items.
      If an item can be clearly found in the EBS via the item number in the invoice, the EBS item is referenced. If no item can be found, the item information of the invoice is transferred as text. The account assignment of the invoice in the EBS takes place via the vendor default account assignment. This can be changed by the customer processor if necessary. The supplier invoice approval workflow set up in EBS can be used as before.

    • Invoice based on a purchase order without deviations:
      If the invoice data matches the purchase order and, if applicable, the goods receipt, the invoice is automatically imported into Oracle EBS via the interface and the email (incl. attachment) is archived on the EBS invoice record.

    • Invoice based on a purchase order with deviations:
      If the invoice data does not match the purchase order and goods receipt, the Accounts Payable (or Purchasing) employee responsible for invoice verification can be notified. With the notification, the employee receives the necessary information (e.g. "Quantity does not match the order"). The invoice is posted in any case and a credit note for an incorrect quantity or price is expected. Until this credit note arrives, the invoice is "blocked for payment".


 Benefit from importing supplier invoices with Primus E-Invoice Management (PEM):

  • Compliance with the legal requirement to be able to receive electronic invoices in B2B transactions from January 1, 2025.

  • Emails with X-invoice or ZUGFeRD attachment can be processed.

  • Process automation: Content comparison, transfer to EBS and archiving of emails (incl. e-invoice) on the EBS invoice record.
    Important: The necessary data is extracted from the e-invoice for 100% of the processed invoices. This eliminates the manual checking and reworking that is often necessary with scanned invoices!

  • No manual action is necessary if the goods receipt and the order directly match the invoice.
    (Validation of the invoice before the payment run is always mandatory in EBS).

  • If the invoice does not refer to an EBS order, the very time-consuming entry of invoice item data is no longer necessary. Thanks to the account assignment templates for each supplier, corrections to the account assignment by Financial Accounting are rarely necessary.


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We are happy to discuss further details with you about implementing the requirements for e-invoices in your Oracle E-Business Suite: